Turanganui Romneys
Owned and run by the Warren family, Turanganui Romneys in South Wairarapa, is one of New Zealand’s oldest and largest sheep studs. We breed and sell Romney and Romdale rams on our fourth generation, 1200ha farm established in 1907.

“Our Romney and Romdale ram breeding revolves around providing clients with predictability of performance and the confidence that Turanganui rams will improve their flock.”
Mike Warren
Turanganui Romneys balanced genetic package – the ongoing legacy of pioneering Romney breeder Holmes Warren, has had a significant impact on improving the productivity of the New Zealand Romney flock.
Enhanced Genetic Gains
Turanganui Romneys has the advantage of being a member of the Wairarapa Romney Improvement Group (WRIG), which has one of New Zealand’s largest recorded breeding databases. Members can swap genetics at nil/near-nil cost, from a breeding base of over 30,000 fully recorded ewes (Members’ best breeding ewes, selected for productivity).
‘Since using Turanganui rams, the incredible mothering ability of the ewes, and survival traits, have enabled us to achieve 150% to sale, on steep exposed coastal terrain.’
Tony, Joy & Phil Redwood
(Okoha – Marlborough Sounds)
About Turanganui

Holmes Warren: ‘Father of the modern Romney’
In 1948, at just 19 years old, Holmes started managing the family farm after the death of his father. A man ahead of his time, Holmes went on to become a highly respected Romney Breeder.
Wool was the major earner for sheep farmers in the 1950s. Standard stud farming practice was to select big, robust animals with a good fleece – judged by eye, with no record of the number of lambs produced, their survival or weight. However, Holmes saw the importance of selecting genetics based on productivity (rather than just physical attributes); traits such as twinning, easy lambing, maternal ability, and vigour.
Everything in balance though: Holmes said wisely that aside from survivability, “If you push any trait too far, it becomes a fault.”
Being an early adopter of advances in technology, in the 1950s Holmes started keeping production records. He was then able to select the more productive ewes and improve genetics. E.g. lambing percentages at docking, growth rates and weaning weights.
Many achievements followed and his life’s work was recognised in 1992 with an MBE for services to the sheep industry, and in 2015, a New Zealand Sheep Industry Lifetime Achievement Award, from Beef and Lamb New Zealand.
Holmes passed away in 2021, at age 92. His son Mike and Mike’s wife Robyn, oversee Turanganui and they have a succession plan for their children: Guy, Will, and Jane, to remain involved in the farm.